TRAVERSING THE DIVIDE: Climate change, Spiritual activism, and Community

    A weekend workshop with Sarah Maclean Bicknell

    Chickasaw Homestead, Joshua Tree, CA

    April 12-14th, 2019

    $450/pp before March 20th/ $520 after

    The material being shared in Joshua Tree is vital work for us all. As the world appears to grow in it’s chaos, the more our earth wisdom is called into the need for actions and voice. Nowhere is this more visible than in the desecration of Joshua Tree National Park that occurred in the government shutdown at the turn of the year. A true expression of microcosm-macrocosm. Here is a most poignant place to come into circle, explore and strengthen our communion with the land, our communities and our personal practices of connection. We are born into a time that demands action in order to change and evolve human consciousness into a healthier dream of the world for all. I encourage anyone that can make this retreat to do so, as it is this kind of work that will support us in our human family navigational skills, through the oncoming years. More information and registration is available here:

    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby