Conversation with Debra Baker on Systemic Racism

    Conversation with Debra Baker on Systemic Racism

    Dear Friends, Inviting you to a conversation with Debra Baker on Systemic Racism. I am so honored to have her spend time with me and keen to share this place, of my unfolding, with all of you. This is a moment I deeply desire my community to show up. My wish is that...
    A Lament

    A Lament

    Lament: (lament, an expression of sorrow) First awaken and lament To brown and black bodies I say to all of you that all the ways my ancestors have hurt in any way seen or unseen, known or hidden, remembered or buried, denied or walked away from, I sit in true lament....
    Litha. Summer Solstice over Zoom | June 20th

    Litha. Summer Solstice over Zoom | June 20th

    Dear Friends and Family, Already we are here approaching midsummer. The day when the sun shines the longest. I am calling us and our ancestors to celebrate life together. To intend together and call on mercy in the midst of all that we are experiencing together, in...
    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby