Sacred Direction | South
Coming into Life: Arrival, Gratitude, Honoring what is, and Bowing to the yet unknown
Johnson City, TN: April 6-7 9:30am-5pm/ $420
Online registration: https://
Transform your cells, body, and brain using inner technology and spiritual ceremony to strengthen your connection to an alive and reciprocal universe… This healing navigational course for living life well and with purpose will provide you with a supported gateway to move into a more vital, expanded life and become a more potent force of light for yourself, your family, and your community. Through a shamanic view and practice, we will develop a deeper moral angle to navigate these times of shifting sands. And we will grow our connections between our inner and outer worlds, our bodies, and our planet earth to stay well, to deepen our relationship to service, and to develop stronger communities that support each other in tangible and practical ways.