Constellations In The Wild
June 26th – July 2nd 2025
in Sula, Montana
Imagine waking up on the edge of the Bitterroot National Forest, beside a creek, with grazing elk and all the magic that these sacred mountains, valleys, and rivers hold.
For five days, Susan Schlosser and Sarah Maclean Bicknell will lead dreaming and nature constellations amidst sacred groves and streams on the Montana side of the Bitterroot Range. We are honored to bring ourselves and our work into this wilder landscape, where Nature sings loudly and we can take time to truly listen. Our elders have shared—and continue to share—that in these extreme times, Nature is our constant. She has been witnessing life for millions of years. We are the newcomers, and this is an opportunity to align ourselves with her needs through this process and to come into deeper relationship with the bedrock of who we are.
At night, we will dream and constellate our dreams; during the day, we will expand into the wilderness with nature constellations. Together, we will form a camping community, learning from and being guided by nature, free from the distractions of modern living. This is an incredible opportunity to align with what truly matters—the health and well-being of Mother Earth and all her creatures.
June 26th Guests arrive anytime after 4pm
June 27 – July 1st Constellations, dreaming, hiking, ceremony
July 2nd Guests depart after breakfast
AMOUNT: $1,520 per person
The retreat will be held at a private home in Sula MT (two hours south of Missoula MT). Single and shared rooms as well as camping will be available first come first served. Address will be given at time of registration.
LODGING & CAMPING Single and shared spaces are available at a first come first serve. Camping is available on the land and at Indian Trees campground. If you are camping you will need to provide your own gear. For those who are camping we will have porta john’s available and there is a nearby creek on the land for swimming. (dipping) the creek is not very deep only small pools.
Meals Meals will be created by Barabara Osckai who has nourished many at retreats and ceremonies. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be offered daily. Dinner will be served on the first night and Breakfast on the last morning. All attendees are asked to provide their own mug, plate, bowl, utensils.
TRANSPORTATION For those flying into Missoula, Sula is two hours south. You will need to arrange your own transportation to Sula. Rental cars are available at the MSO airport or if you would like to arrange for a taxi you can contact Ross at Bitterroot Taxi (406) 550-0001
WEATHER In June and early July average daytime high temperature of 71°F and an average overnight low temperature dropping to 40°F. As we will be spending most of our time outside, please be sure to check the weather and pack accordingly.
Registration link coming soon!
What is a Nature Constellation?
Nature Constellation is a way of seeing and working in a diverse system-nature. By bringing nature into our systemic worldview, we come to our original knowing that all life is dynamic, vital, and filled with and responding to sheer life force; it just is. In doing so,
we step into the field that includes all life. The representatives in Nature Constellation step into a field that could include a tree, a bird, or a flowering bush. Representatives stand for the beauty of Nature’s rich diversity and, through the field, can connect and communicate through a representative’s
embodied experience of deep belonging.
About our hosts:
Jill Apperson
Her greatest joy is to share her gift of holding sacred space for others to safely go inward and connect to parts of themselves that want to be seen and heard. She leads multi-generational retreats with her daughter focusing on the stages of a woman’s life and the natural elements. You can find more about these at or follow them for the happenings at www.instagram/femininerising13
Jill is certified in iRest ®, Chopra’s 7 Spiritual Laws of Yoga, 500+ Hours Somatic Training with Janice Gates, and is the Founder & Creator of JabuMind, a mindfulness app for teachers. She is also a children’s book author. Her books Nothando’s Journey and Ahmed’s Journey are part of Think Equal’s Global Social & Emotional Curriculum for schools across the world. Enjoyed the animated movie of Nothando’s Journey HERE. Her current

Sarah Maclean Bicknell
Sarah Maclean Bicknell is a healer and mentor with 30 years of experience in North American indigenous traditions, blending her Celtic roots into her practice. Known for her Ceremonial work, Systems Constellation facilitator, and Dreamwork, she emphasizes connection, community, ceremony, and respect. Adopted into the Lakota Nation in 1991, she honors her mentors, including Adalberto Rivera, Wallace Black Elk, and others across diverse cultures. Raised in the Western world, she values the teachings of her indigenous elders that helped her reconnect with life. Sarah has facilitated Family Constellations for a decade and more and has developed her own constellation work around the dreamtime, both in the night and the waking dream of the daytime. Her dream work has been central to her practice for over fifty years. She is a facilitator trainer for Family Constellation and leads the Night Turtle Dance ceremony that is held every end of July in Wa state.

Susan Schlosser
Our wild nature and the wilds of nature called me. I started in private practice 30 years ago in Ashland, Oregon working with individuals, couples, and families. Twenty years ago I had the great fortune of integrating Family Constellations into my work, and 15 years ago, I followed a very strong inner call to take that work out into the wilds of nature. Doing that has been a gift beyond measure, blessing me with opportunities to facilitate amongst 2000 year old Redwood trees, on majestic Mount Shasta, on a 16 day river trip down the Grand Canyon, upon the sacred land of Chaco Culture National Historical Park, with First Nation people on tribal lands in British Columbia, and in the Imfolozi wilderness of South Africa, amongst other places .
My deepest hearts’ prayer and intention as I facilitate is for us to open our hearts to ourselves, to each other, to all forms of life, and to life on lifes’ terms. I hold in my heart the potential for us to know our uncolonized, true, authentic nature so we may embrace and integrate all aspects of our being, knowing how connected we are with each other, with all life, and with All That Is.
I live in deep gratitude for life, for All My Relations, and for Teachers of all forms.