Dear Friends and Family,

    Connecting with all of you through the tiles of Zoom is a beautiful practice of heart touching and listening. May Day is here and we are called to dance the Maypole of our hearts. Monday evening when the stars align to the true midpoint between spring and summer quarters, we will have a Beltane ceremony online. 5pm PST, and 8pm EST, Midnight UK.

    Let us gather together in the old way of tribe and family. Let us, from our elders to our very young, join in song, and prayer, and just a little dance. For how can we celebrate Beltane without a bit of fun and laughter?!

    I will share about the traditions around this ceremony and hold the sacred virtual ground. Stevie and Katina will be contributing with song and prayer. Together we will weave the old prayers of fertility and regeneration into the heart of our lives. This is such a strong time to be offering this prayer as we revision our world forward through the generations to come. See you in the mosaic of zoom tiles.

    What to bring to the Zoom ceremony
    Dress up! Flower head wreaths encouraged
    Decorate your Zoom Frame
    Bring a candle
    Bring a piece of fruit – apple/pear etc.
    Rattles/Sticks/Drums welcome
    Have enough space in front or next to your screen to be able to stand
    Children and families welcome

    Suggested Donation of $10-25

    Donations can be sent to Sarah either through Venmo @grandmother_sarah or through PayPal to – using “friends and family”.

    SPECIAL TIME : Our US Zoom Beltane Ceremony will be
    Monday Evening, May 4th 5pm PST/ 8pm EST/ Midnight BST

    Meeting ID: 868 4330 0766
    Find your local number:



    Watercolor by Sarah’s great, great uncle, Clarence Bicknell

    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby