Village Green December Overview

    Dear Family and Friends,

    During the original Covid lockdown in 2020, I opened up regular Zoom calls online so we could be in shared company, continue the prayer, and be together. We built the Zoom gaze of connection and optimism. During that time, I received so much about being in contact with you all here in the US and abroad. I experienced a strong connecting chord of community, and I could acknowledge the help it was to me personally. From that, The Village Green evolved as an online community where we could meet and share. We created ceremonies online, fireside chats and dream circles. We cried, laughed, and prayed ourselves here.

    As we deepen into these times of shifting sands, returning to “normal” is a politically born myth. We are in the becoming of expressing ourselves as imaginal cells waking up in the ruins of yesterday. The gift of connection through technology allows us to strengthen together and hold each other up amidst tall the loud noise that is going on around us. Together we can hold a greater sense of faith, hope, and resilience. Together we can keep building on our strengths and support each other in staying in the truth of who we are becoming in a good and helpful way.

    I am recognizing the need and the power of growing community at this time more than ever, even more than those early zoom calls conducted in the hush of a shut down world. I can feel the excitement of growing contribution, and of shared words and thoughts. A place to come and read, dream, share, inspire, and most of all, be in realistic hopefulness. That is why I want to open up the Village Green community and make it more accessible to more of us. I am anticipating new and known faces lighting up the Zoom tiles. I am dreaming of contributive conversations and ideas in the Tea Room and continued support for the prayers in the Prayer room. A stretching in the book club and magic in the dream circles. It is already happening with plant meditations and discussions around healing and trauma. What, I say to my dream spirits,  what if we multiplied the faces and access and inspiration into a pulsing, dynamic and expanding community. The reply comes back strong. “Yes, we can do this,” we honor this dream. So, let’s do it!


    See you all in the Zoom tiles! May we all receive blessings and come into an even deeper sense of connection with life.




    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby