The Dreamer + The Messenger 

    A Six-Week Virtual Dreaming Course

    There is a call for those of us that can embody and pull through the messages of these times to contribute focus and vision for a different way so that the human family can stay present with Mother Earth. Conscious dreaming takes us out of contributing to the nightmare around us and brings us fully into the work of light and evolution. 


    As many of you know, the Arbor Legacy facilitation program is designed to allow individuals with my blessing to continue these teachings under my care and direction. It is my privilege and honor to bring forth one of the Arbor Legacy students, Seth Pardo, to assist in teaching this course. 


    Seth and I will be meeting each week to review and discuss the class, so while you will not see me in the Thursday class, please know I am in the background supporting and helping hold the overall group container. 


    Seth has been studying with me and has proven to be deeply connected, adept, and skillful at working with the dreams, dreamspace, and facilitation. More information about Seth below. 


    Led by Arbor Legacy facilitator Seth Pardo

    • Prerecorded weekly guidance, teaching, and instruction by Grandmother Sarah
    • Weekly live 2-hour classes each Thursday with Seth Pardo
    • Weekly dream practice with a dream partner


    This group will gather over Zoom Thursdays beginning August 11th 6:00pm – 8:00pm PST, for 6 weeks

    $400 | Non-Village Green Price
    $250 | Village Green Price (discount code in events)
    $100 | Arbor Program (discount code in email and Arbor Circle)

    You can sign-up here 


    Let us share in this practice together, become fluent in dream speak and prepare to enter into the work of community dreaming, where a larger group works in the dreaming for the larger whole. I am excited to share this material and help more of us to harness the power of our dreams.




      Reflection from Dream Podcast co-host, Mike…

      “This course opened me to a connection with my dreams that has guided me every day since. I’ve taken it about four times, and because Sarah works so intuitively, each time is different depending on which people are in the room and what information is helpful to them. The teachings are always relevant, timely, inspired, and always unique.”  –Mike G. 



      Photo by Tobias Bjørkli

      A picture of Seth

      More about Seth Pardo:

       For as long as he can remember, Seth has been an active, vivid and lucid dreamer. Familiar with many forms and levels of dreaming, Seth began formal Dreamwork training with Grandmother Sarah in early 2020. Through a disciplined and dedicated Dreamwork practice, Seth transformed his nightmares into insights, and now has a vital and precious dialogue with his Dreamtime. Seth welcomes all into the Dreamer & The Messenger course to engage the Dreamtime with respect and curiosity. 

      You can hear more from Seth and his dreams on this episode of Practical Dreaming.

      Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby