Village Green January Overview
Happy Gregorian New Year!
We have found ourselves starting a new calendar year. The energy is still slow as we are still amidst the cold darker months while we await the Spring Solstice. May you be tending to what is needed in these tender months.
Here’s what we have going on this month on The Village Green:
🌀 1/2 – Wisdom From The Hearth | January – OPEN TO ALL
🌀 1/4 – Dream Hours | Day Time (Oak Grove)
🌀 1/13- Book Club | From Broken Hearts to Spiritual Warriors – OPEN TO ALL
🌀 1/18 – Dream Hours | Day Time (Oak Grove)
🌀 1/20 – OPEN TO ALL Dream Hours | Day Time
🌀 1/29 – Dream Hours | Night Time (Oak Grove)
Photo Credit: Kei Scampa
Interested in joining The Village Green?
Your FREE membership includes:
- Monthly live fireside chat with Grandmother Sarah, a Racial Justice Process group and new offerings coming soon!
- Monthly Indigenous Dreaming Circles led by members of The Arbor Legacy
- Early invitation to apply to The Arbor Legacy
- Supports Grandmother Sarah