Dreamer & The Messenger | Starts January 19th!

    Dreamer & The Messenger | Starts January 19th!

    The Dreamer + The Messenger  A Virtual Dreaming Course | 6 classes over 12 weeks | Taught By Grandmother Sarah Learn to unlock the power of your dreams! There is a call for those of us that can embody and pull through the messages of these times, to contribute focus...
    Tarot Readings for 2023

    Tarot Readings for 2023

    Tarot with Sarah ~ What does 2023 hold for you? Intrigued, Curious? A reading can reveal the big energetic valleys and peaks of your personal energy in relation to the bigger cycles of life all around you. Together we have a conversation with the Tarot, asking and...
    Things Are Changing On The Village Green!

    Things Are Changing On The Village Green!

    Village Green December Overview Dear Family and Friends, During the original Covid lockdown in 2020, I opened up regular Zoom calls online so we could be in shared company, continue the prayer, and be together. We built the Zoom gaze of connection and optimism. During...
    Copyright 2024 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby