Night Turtle Dance

    Night Turtle Dance 2024:
    July 26-29 2024

    How the Dance came into being…

    The Night Turtle Dance is the realization of a vision experienced by Sarah MacLean Bicknell, a powerful teacher, healer, and shamanic practitioner who walks the mystical path with practical feet.  Several years ago while on a vision quest, Sarah received a beautiful vision that would not go away: She saw dancers all clad in white flying over the grass like geese on the back of a huge turtle. She shared this vision with a few people and they began to pester her to bring it into being. Finally, in 2009, she made it happen in the woods of Duvall a few miles east of Seattle, Washington.  It worked. Despite the sudden arrival of rain, thunder, and lightning, the dancers moved in perfect formation all night long in a series of patterns, with a stamina that surpassed even their own hopes and dreams.


    All over the world, people participate in ceremony to honor tradition, to learn about themselves and to be in community. Ceremony is an important part of every culture and serves to remind us of our humanity, our heritage and our connection with all living things.  The Night Turtle Dance is a celebration of life, the earth and our link to the natural world. By integrating the elements of drum, songs, dance, and symbolism, this ceremony invites us all to develop greater meaning and deeper spiritual connection.  The Dance is emotionally embedded to imprint the totality of the event deep into the earth, using shared intention and prayer as the gateways for a higher level of global consciousness.  

    For more information about the Night Turtle Dance, visit

    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby