Ancestral Constellation | May 6th | Greenwich Village NYC
    We will be hosting constellations on Thursday, May 6th from 9am to 5:30pm in Greenwich Village (with a one hour walk-away lunch break in the middle). The space has two floor-to-ceiling doors with plenty of ventilation, and we also ask that you procure a negative COVID test within two days of us gathering.


    For those who have yet to participate in a constellation, it is an immensely powerful healing experience wherein a community comes together to restore balance to an individual’s life by embodying an aspect of their family ancestry within a “field.” There is no experience necessary to participate.


    This is a small and intimate gathering. If you are in the area and interested in joining, please email and let us know your connection to Sarah or how you heard about this event.





    Rainbow road photo: Daniel Mercadante, Poster Art: Danielle Ellsworth

    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby