Next year I am celebrating 70 years of life, and after sharing 20 years of the basic teaching of the Sacred Directions, I am offering three seasonal retreats in the Seattle area for those who have previously taken The Sacred Directions and would like to deepen their connection with the wheel.. There is a yearning in me to dialogue with my internal changes and bring them forward into a sharing that is current and very much alive in me. So not so much about teaching that which has come before in my work, but more about taking the material into the very now of myself. I am holding a Zoom conference call on Thursday September 20th at 7pm. Arising to be covered is the astral light, karma, portals and the importance of presencing and ascension.

    Let us deepen our relationship to the elements and the natural world through practices and the sharing of. This is an invitation to be in each other’s company while we walk the edge of our understanding and start stepping through the veils of our perception. Let us build a strong center together to invite more resilience and encouragement while the outer world around us continues to grow in intensity like the Weather Beings.

    Autumnal Retreat: October 13-14, 2018
    Winter Retreat: January 26-27, 2019
    Spring Retreat: May 4-5, 2019

    With love,


    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby