Samhain Ceremony | Thursday October 29th | 6:30pm PT, 9:30pm ET

    For those not in the Village Green, we ask that you register for the call

    Suggested Donation of $25.

    Register Here!

    For Village Green members, all the information is in Events and there will be a recording available.


    The Stories of Samhain…

    No-one knows for sure but the tendrils of stories and remembrances rise strong, in the gathering dark for Samhain.

    The nights are now longer and it is time to bring the cattle into the stable for the winter months. This time of sheltering in and a diminishing of outgoing activity, for the Celts marked the New Year. This Cross-Quarter Fire festival was very important to the ancient celt as they gathered up all their resources to enter the time of fallow. 

    In the turning first to the dark goddess and evoking her blessing, they also called on their ancestor’s help to get through the winter. The villages came together to celebrate their readiness for The Oak Tree King to reign and to ask for help, mercy, and grace for their families and clans. It was a festival where the hearths fires were left to go out and the ancestors of the clan that were tied to the home fires were free to roam.  

    It was also a time when many spirits could manifest into the physical plane and together everyone would dance and feast. New flames were brought back to the family hearths and the following day the roaming ancestors were called back to their place. During the night, big bonfires were kept, the ale and liquid spirits would flow, and dancing and feasting would abound. The dressing up in altered clothing and masks was so you could not be distinguished as human to the spirits. 

    So where are we now in 2020 and the incoming omen of the fall rattling around us like many hungry ghosts? Fear of this winter and all that it might bring is intense on all the areas of our lives, personal, family, culture, and also the world stage. It is a most important time to connect with the roots of our human family from the beginning of time until now.

     A time to turn our face towards the dark Goddess with deep respect and awe and to call upon her for mercy. A time when indeed we need the resiliency and wisdom of our ancestors to be present and guide us through what is appearing to carry the appearance of a minefield.  A time to call on for encouragement, bravery, good health, and the strength to help those less fortunate. A time of shadows, shapeshifting and much to distract one from holding to knowing that nothing is impossible everything is possible. Let us keep our hearths lit with light and visionary dreaming, keep the invocation strong and stay in touch through the flickering flames, the long shadows on the wall and the internal journey of healing that awaits us.

    Join me for Samhain Ceremony. Let us have a conversation with our relatives and ask for help.  Let us receive courage and good health through the flames of ancient connection. And let us dance and sing our gratitude that we can remember to receive this beautiful resource of encouragement and support.




    Photo Credit: Daniel Mercadante

    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby