Hello Constellation Community,
    Join the Seattle and traveling community
    in TWO WEEKS on SEPTEMBER 21st
    for the next Constellation of the upcoming Autumn Season!
    This months’ constellation will be on:
    • Saturday, September 21st from 9am – 1:30pm 

    We still have seeker & rep spots available.

    We don’t require vaccination but do require people not to attend if they feel ill in any way or have had exposure to someone with COVID-19. Bring masks and we will see where the COVID numbers are and continue to be mindful of personal space.
    Coffee and tea will be provided, but please bring any food you would like to snack on and a lunch. The location has parking and plenty of chairs 🙂
    We will be at:
    Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church
    14724 1st Ave NE Shoreline, WA 98155


    We are in the Davis Building, which is to the left of the main sanctuary/church offices and you enter through the double doors that face the main building.


    Looking forward to seeing you!

    Sarah and Shannon

    Copyright 2024 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby