
    "Hey Sarah, thank you, I was in a blind panic and thank you for being there for me. I now realize that I do have wonderful 'solutions' and it is all good. I am enjoying breathing room and time to think."

    Tim B, Australia

    Her work, which stems from the Lakota ceremonial traditions and Celtic traditions, is of great and resonating magnitude. Based in Shamanic rituals, she uses sounds and smoke as a large part of her healing. Her belief is that we as humans have a 1st skin. When trauma happens on any level, that skin gets broken. Sarah’s work restores the missing pieces to help Spirit and eternal skin become whole again. 

    Damaris D., Los Angeles

    Thank You Sarah, for helping me freeze frame my life and witness all that is really going on. Thank you for your good companionship and willingness to explore my options with me. I now have clarity and a readiness to change. Wow it is hard to believe that just one hour has made so much difference.

    Rhonda G., California

    The Four Directions Foundational Course was instrumental in helping me to navigate significant life changes in career, family and my spiritual path. Over the year-long course of study, my life evolved in keeping with the formation of my personal medicine wheel. Sarah will touch your spirit and move your mind, inspiring your hands and feet to follow in kind."

    Chris R., Colorado Springs

    "Greetings Grandmother Sarah,
    My name is Matthew Foxx and I'm honored to have be in your divine presence over the weekend.
    Like many others at Unison's main stage ceremony, I was in tears of sheer gratitude and touched so deeply during your offering of healing to our indigenous relatives. However, the magic of this Earth record didn't just end there for me. I've also been incredibly inspired by your words and the mission you set out to do there. Although I thought I understood this before, I now know exactly what it is to offer the sacred apology as well as the raw importance and impact of our ancestral healing to all degrees.
    I'll never forget this profound moment in time and space as you've healed so much for so many. The tears on the faces of your fellow elders as well as the entire crowd of witnesses before you, will never forget these powerful amends you've made and they will ripple outward for all time.
    It was an absolute joy to see you so loved, cared for, and honored by everyone in closing ceremony and I'll never for get this as well.
    I thank you from the depths of my heart and soul for all the healing you've done and everything you are. I appreciate, celebrate, and love you so much. Thank you and blessings Grandmother."

    Matthew Fox,  Unison Festival Attendee

    The Workshops on the four directions have been a real gift and privilege to have done and experienced. They have confirmed in a three-dimensional way and more, that Spirit works in my life everyday. Through the directional workshops, I have discovered tools and rediscovered tools that are usable in my life walk. 

    Eileen L, Seattle

    I've moved into a new sense of being, and have seen the entire community move as a whole into new connection, maturity, and humaneness... Sometimes spiritual growth feels like climbing an unknown mountain, and it is deeply reassuring to work with a teacher who has climbed these intimidating paths, and returned to help the rest of us find our way. 

    Maggie F, Seattle

    I just wanted to tell you again how grateful I am for the genuinely life-changing teachings you've given us about the dreamscape...  During last night's class I kept thinking of what a staggering loss our culture experiences through our shoving aside these magnificent resources.  Your work is so terribly important, life-and-death important.  

    Ann P.,  Seattle

    After two days feeling not too well, I am experiencing something clearer, nicer and I feel the first stage of an unknown self-confidence. Thank you so much. I'll keep on building it and look forward to seeing you in May. You gave me a wonderful and powerful gift.  

    Rose, Bath, UK

    Sarah is an intuitive, sage, experienced healer. I entered into work with her without really knowing the depth of my trauma, but feeling it permeate my world. Sarah's empathy coupled with the ability to channel knowledge from ancient times washes over you like magic.

    Emily A., Seattle

    I don't know that I have ever felt so listened to, so seen, and so held before. Thank you, Sarah, for pouring your heart into this work and offering a somatic and spiritual alternative to talk therapy that helped me re-discover my most fundamental version of me.

    Emily, Seattle

    My one hour spent with Sarah genuinely changed my life; months later the words spoken are unfolding into my life like magical sprouts. I was heard in a very new way to me and something inside relaxed. Since my reading with Sarah I have made good changes to my life that have resulted in greater happiness for me and those around me.

    Bettina, Seattle

    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby