– A Journey To Egypt –
With Sarah Maclean Bicknell & Youseff Awyan
January 2024
I have long had the desire to go to Egypt and it all magically fell in place for me to be in Egypt last November.
It truly unfolded like a dream and I awoke to the stunning importance to actually be amongst the temples, bullrushes and vast flowing Nile river. It is in the being in the sand and stone that loosens deep bone memory of this world, a world that was emerging 13,000 years ago. Stunning and immense an intelligence beyond our present imagination lies waiting to share with us a magical mystery of life before 12,000 BCE and long before that.
While on a small boat on the Nile dipping in and out of back waters it was as if the very river shook something loose within, a vibration, a song, a connection of timelessness, bubbling in the black and sacred mud of the Nile. I could tangibly feel the memories of lost civilizations and wisdom waiting to be remembered. The truth that I had been here before stirred the dreaming world as the night sky, radiant with stars, reflectied back thatone jewel in our First Mother ’s crown, is Egypt. Yes, floating down the Nile between the fertile fields and jungle vines you become part of such a large landscape of evolution and time that for me, I returned home altered and grown in many good ways. Egypt is a place of power and I returned with a longing to return and focus more on the sacred feminine and how that weaves into the greater picture.
My final night was in the the Great Pyramid where the power of vibration where I experienced a weightlessness and flying into the cosmos. I was coming home to a deeper understanding of vibration and intent that I am still catching up to.
I am returning next January (2024) and am inviting a small family of 12 to accompany me. Would you like to join me?
Youseff Awyan Co-director at The Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism has honored me by accepting to be our guide. Together we will navigate the ancient spaces in order to feel, listen, receive and learn more about who we are. We will be tending to the solid information rising out of the leading edges of new revelations, from eroded stone to shifting star constellations. We will sail the Nile together for four days and nights on our own Dahabeya stopping at sites like Esna, Elephantine Island and the Temple of Isis. On the last night we will have private entry into the Great Pyramid.
Due to the necessary and official nature of Egypt, Soul of Egypt will be providing us with the organization and follow through of all the details of our journey once we are in Egypt. I was very impressed by this company and they take care of all of the logistics and see that we are all provided for along the way.
Available Trip Info:
- Proposed trip dates are January 7th – January 20th, 2024
Yousef Awyan
The Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism –
- Youself has many videos on Youtube that you can watch.
If you are interest in joining us this January – email Monique at mckeranen@yahoo.com