Turtle Dance Needs Our Help!

    Hello Night Turtle Dance family and friends

    I am Emily Zelig, the lead fundraiser for the Night Turtle Dance Foundation. Thank you in advance for reading this call for support.

    What a beautiful ceremony we just witnessed. The pink Cygnus cloud in the sky during the children’s round. The meteor shower that corresponded with our prayers. Purification at the river. The absolutely delicious food. The dancers, the helpers, the elders, and the children. So much gratitude. So much love. I am asking for your support in two ways. The first way is to check in with your heart and see how much this ceremony means to you? We need your support.

    We are asking for donations either as a one time amount or a monthly donation.

    If 30 people donated $15/month for one year we would reach our fundraising goal of $5000. DONATE HERE

    To be completely transparent, the Turtle Dance ceremony operates at a deficit each year and we rely on gracious donations to keep the ceremony going.

    Money out:
    $12,650 – Total expenses of the 2022 NTD Ceremony
    $2,900 – Yearly operating costs (insurance, website, accounting, etc.)
    $15,550 – Total annual expenses

    Money in:
    $10,600 – 2022 NTD Ceremony Revenue from attendees

    Fundraising goal:
    $4,950 – This is our annual deficit, so it’s also our fundraising goal.

    Everyone on the board generously volunteers their time year after year, but we cannot continue this ceremony without additional support. I know times can be financially difficult. There have been years where I could not afford the suggested admission for the ceremony and I was always welcome with open arms. Nobody is turned away due to lack of funds.

    This year I will commit to a $25/month recurring donation. Will you join me? 

    The second way to support is to come celebrate with us on Sunday, September 18, 2022. We invite you to a pancake breakfast at the beautiful and magical home of Azure and Mike in Redmond, WA. Join us and invite your friends and family for drum, songs, speakers, and delicious food and drink. You will not be disappointed! Tickets start at $25. Please register so we can plan for your attendance.

    Sunday, September 18, 2022
    Redmond, WA (Address released after ticket purchase)
    PANCAKE LINK – http://www.turtledance.org/2022-fundraiser

    When I reflect on what The Night Turtle Dance means to me, it is so much more than just a ceremony for Mother Earth. It is the community where first-timers feel at home. It is the children who play together freely and are supported by all the caregivers. It’s a community where everyone brings their skills and talents to create beauty.  I am involved in The Night Turtle Dance to honor my teachers and elders, my friends and children, my ancestors, and the first peoples of this land. What connects you to this ceremony?

    Our fundraiser supports the mission of the Night Turtle Dance Foundation: “Building cross-cultural bridges between ancient wisdom and today. Our primary intent is a multi-generational ceremony. This heals the earth, ourselves, and the future seven generations. Our foundation supports and provides access to these activities.” The funds go directly to support this work. In addition to basic operating costs, we aim to support ceremonies around the world as well as people training in ceremonial leadership and education.  All contributions go in full to the Night Turtle Dance Foundation and are distributed in accordance with our mission statement.  NTDF is a 501C non-profit organization and qualifies for corporate matching donations.

    In these uncertain times our commitment to ceremony, Mother Earth, community, and the light will carry us forward. We were born for this time. Let’s do this!

    With Deep Gratitude,

    Emily, Sarah, and the Night Turtle Dance Foundation Board






    Photo Credit: Catherine Bicknell




    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby