Hello Family & Friends,

    I hope that you are faring well and as we drop into the Winter, may you all be as warm and nurtured as possible. Recent world events are shaping our human family and so we dream for healing in these future months.
    Once again, Sarah will be back in the UK in January after a highly successful and rich time at the September constellations.

    “Through the lens of family constellation work, it shows us that many of the issues you face today often stem from unresolved events and unprocessed emotions from your family that you probably don’t know about and are passed down across generations.  Once the hidden dynamics behind the issue that is holding you back are seen from a completely different perspective, they are transformed, for you, your children and future generations.
    Simply put, Family Constellations can be a powerful method to transform your relationship with your family, work, vitality, money and life by releasing you from the entanglements that are holding you back.”

    Constellation Weekend | January 27th & 28th 2024

    Time: 9:30am – 5:00pm (sharp 10am start time)

    Price: REPRESENTATIVE PRICE: £110 (weekend cost)


    Deposit (non-refundable) £50 please send to:

    • Name:  Miss Juliette Findlay  
    • Bank:  Lloyds Bank  
    • Sort code:  30-98-28  
    • Account number:  07195881
    • Put in reference field: REP or SEEKER (as appropriate)
    • Balance to be paid in cash to Sarah upon arrival.

    It is important for the group that you attend all of the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) but if this is absolutely not possible, please let Juliette know which days/times you can attend.
    If you know others that would like to attend, feel free to forward this e mail to them.

    There is an option to pay it forward to enable some concessionary places for those that would not be able to attend due to their resourcing.  If you choose to pay it forward please let us know in your confirmation e-mail, many thanks.

    To register or ask questions, please reach out to and send deposit to our host Juliette Findlay at juliettefindlay@yahoo.com

    Barton St David Village Hall
    6 Broadclose Way, Barton St David, Somerset TA11 6BS
    There is parking for the hall.

    The venue is in the Glastonbury area so for those that need somewhere to stay, there is a big choice of BnB’s in the area.

    Food: There is a large kitchen area to prepare food but it does not have cooking facilities to heat it.  Food is not provided so please bring food to share for a vegetarian lunch.  Teas/coffee/milks are provided. 

    Conscious Earth Constellation day: Friday January, 26th 2024

    Glastonbury – Venue TBD

    Price: £60 for the day or £50 if participating in the weekend

    (if you plan to attend on Saturday/Sunday you will need to pay an additional seeker or rep fee)

    Time: 10am-5pm

    Please bring lunch for yourself or to share.

    We will be constellating some bigger questions from earth consciousness around what’s needed right now from us to help with deeper healing processes for the earth & us all.  It will be a chance to understand the scope and potential of using constellation in a much deeper, energetic way & will also be informative for those looking to take this work further.  There are no seekers as such, we will all be representatives to the exploration.

    Organizational Constellation at the Red Brick Building: Thursday January, 25th – evening

    Venue: Red Brick Building, Morland Enterprise Park, Morland Road, Glastonbury, BA6 9FT

    Time: 6.30pm-9pm approx.
    *There is no fee to be a representative for this community organization constellation.
    To attend, please e mail me as soon as you can to confirm – we need firm numbers and a minimum of 15 people. There is parking and a cafe/restaurant at this venue so you can eat there beforehand if you prefer. This is a well known community run building and this constellation will be focusing on clearing the field for the venue and its community.

    to register or ask questions, please reach out to and send deposit to our host Juliette Findlay at juliettefindlay@yahoo.com


    Photo Credit: Jhana Clayton


    Copyright 2025 Sarah MacLean Bicknell | Photography by Jenn Whitney | Illustration by Nikki Jacoby